Okay, I know I know it's been a while since I last updated this - but it's been a busy few days!
Today was cricket at the Oval; http://www.surreycricket.com/, England vs Pakistan in the final test.
I rather uncharacteristicaly was the first one there! So, I sat down and listened to 'Seventh Son of a Seventh Son'; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seventh_Son_of_a_Seventh_Son, (I'm going through an Iron Madien phase at the moment - reliving my teenage years!), waiting for the boys to turn up. And that they did! Nadeem, Tim, Dave, Graham and Frederick.
We start watching the cricket, only for the rain to start! Typical English weather....... But fear not, the rain didn't last that long and play resumed!
Hoorah. Well, only for a little bit - the rain started again....
So off Tim, Graham, Frederick and I went to the bar. A few beers later and after lunch had finished, play resumed and we had sunshine for the rest of the day.
It really as Pakistan's day as they bowled Engurlund out for 173, but at least I also got to see Pakistan bat as well. The cricket finished around 7:30, and we were all knackered and went our seperate ways home. I hopped onto the 436 bus to Victoria (miracously avoiding the thousands of other people trying to make their way home!), jumped onto the tube to Kings Cross, then the 476 bus back home.
I popped into the Shakey as Mike was over from New Zealand, and had a quick chat with Felicity, Mike & Mark. I was absoultly knackered by this point - sitting drinking beer all day and watching the cricket really tires you out!, and opted to go home instead of moving onto another establishment for food.
Home, Bed, Sleep.
I was glad I'd arranged to take Friday off, as I remember what I was like last year from the cricket with the sunburn and sunstroke! Okay, so this year there was rain instead of sun, but at least it was a relaxing recovery.
I headed into Westminster to meet up with Megan (who I used to work with on the SDS Project), and some of the other guys from work for lunch before Megan heads back off to Kabul. We do lunch, several beers and I then find myself in Soho having a beer with Dan...
Dan and I head to the Crobar for a couple before deciding to head down to his place in South London so he can get out of his suit and into more 'casual' gear. So, a bus trip and train journey to deepest darkest South London - and I am hit with an over whelming wave of tierdness. We decide to stay in, order pizza and watch 'The Lost Boys'; http://www.fast-rewind.com/lostboys.htm, a classic vampire movie from the 80's.
Pizza, sofabed, crash.
I wake up, very briefly not knowing where the hell I am. Och, that's right. I'm at Dan's.
Oh joy of joys, the walk of shame back up to North London.
Train, Tube, Bus, home. I get a text from Felicity, she's had her tounge pierced! Oooooooooooooouch!!!!!

That looks painful.
That feels painful.
And she's thinking of getting a tattoo done on Wednesday.
I need my Bed, Sleep, Shower.
It's now 5:45pm and I leave home to head down to Oxford Street to meet up with Tim in the Argyll; http://www.pubs.com/pub_details.cfm?ID=149, which is absolutly hoachin with shoppers and tourists. Yuk. My idea of hell.
We have a quick drink and head back up to Angel for some food and decide to settle on Tapas and go to 'Sangria', a small spanish tapas bar on Upper Street. As usual we order way too much, but the food was just lovely!
Guess what, I'm tierd again. We head home, Tim watches the telly and I fall asleep. It's been a long day.
It's down to S&M; http://www.sandmcafe.co.uk/index2.asp, for breakfast, then hopping onto the bus to get down to Denmark Street where Tim drags me around guitar shops for a couple of hours.
I really don't like shopping.
I really, really don't like shopping.
I head home, chill for a little bit, grab a pizza from La Barca and sit down with Felicity to watch 'The Empire Strikes back'. I'm tierd again.
Bed. Sleep.
Snooze. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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