Oh yes, it's 2010 and we are offically into the Tenties.
Yes, that's right. I said the Tenties. It's what I'm going to call the decade anyway. I don't like the idea of calling anything else, like the Teens or pronouncing it Twenty Ten... if the 2020's onwards are going to be called the Twenties, then there's a perfect logic in calling 2010 onwards the Tenties.
Well, it's what I'm going for and since this is 'Baskers World' it shall offically be known hence forth as the 'Tenties'. But, where did I leave this blog? Oh yes. I left it back in 2009 on the 30th, the Wednesday afternoon around lunchtime. So it's time to strap on the boots and march onwards to 2010.
Wee William and I jump into a cab, because:
1. It's bloody cold
2. There's compacted snow and ice all the way down the Hilltown
3. I'm hungry
4. And it's bloody cold and I cannot be arsed walking all the way down to the Playwright
We arrive into the immaculate Playwright and are immedately shown to a free table to begin the feasting. It's William's belated Birthday Present to me.
It's Braised porkbelly with Cranberries to start with
I'm normally am not a Pork fan but this was just fantastic
Next we move onto the mains. William opts for 'Escalope' of Turkey
He has a certain way of pronouncing 'Escalope'...
But certainly didn't hamper his enjoyment of the 'Escalope'
I didn't opt for the 'Escalope' of Turkey.
deciding to go for the most excellent Sea Breem which was truely scrumptous
And then we move onto desserts
Coffee and Kahula Parfait
and a cheese board for me.
Now that was a truely, truely lovely meal all washed down a bottle of white wine... Pinot Grigio I think it was, can't quiet remember as we'd moved onto cocktails after the meal
Alberto went for the 'Zombie'.. which seems a rather apt choice, where as I settled for my usual...
A Playwright Blazer.
And it's off homewards we go.. not before we swing into the Overgate on the hunt for black leather gloves, size 7 and a half... and most importantly... lined with RABBIT FUR! I am still wanting my warm gloves, and yet I'm still nowhere closer to finding them. *sighs* Anyway..... no luck, so we pop into a cab and it's back home. Time to digest, relax, enjoy the afternoon catching up with the parents etc. They have their tea, but there's no room in my stomach for any more food. It's a cup of juice for me... that's all I can stomach. Seriously, I'm still full.
There's always room for another wee drinkie.....
I suggest to the parents that we perhaps head up to Frews for a wee family drinkie since it's the last time we'll all be together for 2009, cause Mum and Dad are having an early night on Hogmanay as they are waking up early on New Years Day to fly to Dublin and I'll be off out to a party.
It's snowing outside.
Dad wore a hat.....
he's still got the hat on
and it's fecken cold!
But it's not long before we get to Frews as it's only 5mins up the road... but it's more like 10-15mins given the treachorus weather conditions slipping and sliding all over the place, but we do get there and start unwrapping all the various layers of clothing to settle down with a drink
and the banter continues
and still there's the hat.....
He still wearing it... it is cold outside... but still.... it's a hat...
Hogmanay! - Thursday
It's a long lie today.. cause it's Hogmanay!!
Up around lunchtime, have a shower to wash away the old year, getting ready for the New Year... hang around home during the day with the family before I wander up to the Offy and grab some Vodka, Diet Coke and a cab to Murray's house to see in the New Year.
Murray lays down the law to Tyler...
And then some....
and then some more...
Then strike a pose.....
It was a hilarious evening, much Vodka was consumed... and we saw the bells in with the old faithful Jackie Bird
and her 32 Naan Bread Breasts... wearing the most ridiculous outfit as per usual.
The Bells struck, we wished everone a traditional Happy New Year, texts and phonecalls came flooding in and then it was back to the partying.
At somepoint I made it home... just not sure when.
Friday - New Years Day
The parents wake me up at 10am to say goodbye as they fly out to Dublin and I go back to sleep, eventually resurfacing around midday, crawling down the stairs to curl up on the couch sipping my pint of juice, paracetamol and a whole day of Doctor Who.
Yup, it's a whole day of the Doctor because today is the day. Today the Doctor dies and is regenerated.
I cried.
The hangover subdues and I cry at the end of Doctor Who.
It's another long lie in as the parents are in Dublin and not clattering around the house waking me up at an ungodly hour. But eventually I arise out of my pit, get washed, dressed and wander down the Hilltown with Albert in the snow and ice to get bit of shopping done.
Well as much shopping as I can manage as I don't do shopping and am already getting restless, bored and fidgity with being in shops, but I last long enough to buy a new external harddrive... ... a nice little 1.5Tb drive so I can sort out all my music, videos etc. With harddrive firmly in hand, we leave the shops and find somewhere to eat.
Lets just say I won't be rushing back there anytime quick. Mexican my arse. The Maragrita tasted like water.... there was no salt.... it was just vile. But food was needed, even if it was perhaps the blandest mexican I have ever tasted. At least there was the snow storm outside to keep me amused as William and I munch down on the food... even though Albert decided to feed some of the mexican down his shirt.
It's time to leave the blandest Mexican on the planet, venture out into the snow and pick up some messages from M&S and Tescos because Albert is going to cook for me tonight *heavy gulp*. Now it should be relatively straight forward... buy food, have a beer then catch a cab home.
We got the food alright.... had a beer, bumped into Jinx and caught up with him, then William and I headed to the Taxi rank.
Hmmm... there seems to be a bit of a queue there.
I think the snow gives a bit of a hint. The bloody buses had been called off because of the damn snow. But it's only the Travel Dundee buses. Not Strathtay or Stagecoach, only the fucking Dundee buses.
The ground is like an ice rink and I really don't fancy trying to walk uphill on a sheet of ice so Albert and I wait in the queue for a taxi... and we wait... and wait... and wait... till we are frozen to the spot in the -5 degree weather until a taxi finally arrives, slowly thawing out when we get back home before we put the tea on.
Or attempt to put the tea on. Albert's 'interpretation' of the recipie instructions leave a lot to be desired and I have to step in to get the tea made so we don't poison ourselves.
Tea is eaten, digested. The dishes are done and it's time for me to go back outside in the freezing cold down to Colin's for a new year party. Yes, I'm going back out in the frigging cold
and it's snowing so hard on top of the compacted ice
and I slip and fall hard on my ass going down the hilltown. Bloody sore!
But eventually I make it down to the house, thaw out, get some more Vodka
and Murray gets himself another drink... one must keep refreshed as it would be rude not too!
Whilst Vici gets down with the groove, and we carry on with the drinking games. At somepoint we do decide....well, Vici decides that the party should move onto her man Craig's house and somehow, don't ask me how we do it but we manage to get a cab in the snow to take us there!
More Vodka consumed.
It's home at somepoint, another watch of Doctor Who 'The End of Time' before finally crawling upstairs to bed.
I don't wake up till at least 12:30pm
My parents wouldn't like that. Asleep until lunchtime! Why that's half of the day gone!
But I don't mind, I needed the sleep and head off downstairs to put the washing on, watching some Torchwood as there's bugger all on TV and update this little blog of mine.
It will soon be time to sort out my tea, get dressed and meet up with Pricey for a few beers to chew the fat.
Cheerio for now.