It's been a rather, rather busy this week since I last 'blogged' on Sunday. So, my fellow retrobates, just what have I been up to?
There's been work and then there's been play ;-).........
It was work, work, work. I had a very busy day at work, Kieran was off sick today, Dorian was back from his leave after getting married and I was also interviewing some contractors with a view to getting 2 report writers in to to a bulk of work. Never enough hours in the day!
On the good news front, on Saturday I'd phoned up 3 Mobile to cancel my contract and ordered a shiny new Sony Ericsson K800i cybershot phone from O2, and was hoping that it was sitting waiting for me back home.
On the even better news front KATE IS PREGNANT!!! I get an e-mail from Kate telling me that she won't be able to smoke or drink for the next 6 months! I mean, how in considerate of her, getting pregnant - who am I going to go to the pub with now ?? ;-) I guess I'll be on the baby sitting duties at some point in the future....... :-)
So, back to work and interviewing. I loathe interviewing. It sucks. But I suppose it's better than being the interviewee! It was one of those 50/50 days, not too good, but not too bad, and a bit of a long day as I didn't finish work until 7pm.
So I headed back up to Stokey, went for a meal in 56 at Newington Green with Tim, and we wandered on home. Tim was in for a treat on Monday night...................
No, now stop it!
it's not what you think, you filthy minded individual!! ;-)
I treated Tim to an evening's viewing of 'Galaxy Quest' ; , a most fantastic movie. Think original Star Trek, being sent up big time by Tim Allen, Alan Rickman & Sigournay Weaver. It's one of the funniest film out there. If you haven't seen it, go see it!!!!
And by the way, my new shiny phone hadn't arrived.
It's another busy day of work, and I spent most of the day in meetings, leaving Joanne & Dorian to get on with kicking off the PESA & DQ report development project management workstream.
I finish work after 5pm and head down with to the cruddy bar to meet up with Kate & Nishi. Now this was fun. Kate has been taking the absolute piss out of me with my 'No alcohol on a weekday' rule - it's now time for pure revenge!! Now that Kate's pregnant, she's on the 'sparkling water', and I'm straight onto the cold bottle of sweet, sweet, intoxicating lager.
Only 6 months to go Kate..... I'm going to enjoy this ;-)
Tim, Glen & Sunil pop down as well and after a while it's on Glen and me left, and the hunger kicks in. Glen and I walk (not really that far), around the corner to a wee italian place on Victoria street.
It was actually quite a good meal and I'll probably go back there again sometime, but I can't for the life of me remember what the place is called! At least I know where it is though..... So we finished our meal, went our seperate ways and wandered back home to Stokey.
I get back home, feeling a bit worse for wear and wanting my bed and find that my new shiny phone has arrived!! Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah!
But I'm a wee bit drunk.
So I fall asleep. Happy that my new phone has arrived.
Ooooooooo. Waking up is bad.
I slowly come to conciousness. It's a painful process at the best of times. Then I remember that my new shiny phone has arrived. It makes walking up less painful. I play with the new phone a little bit and then hop downstairs into the shower.
So, there I am having a shower, giving myself a wash (now, get those naked thoughts of me right out of your mind there - you filthy pervert!) and was just about to start washing my hair when the shower hose/head snaps and falls to the floor.
It's not a good start to the morning! I'm all flustered and arrive into work late, with unwashed hair, feeling yucky! And as about as much use as a cold cup of coffee. This is going to be another long, long, long day. Tick follows tock, follows tick follows tock, meeting follows meeting and I'm acutely aware that I really, really want to wash my hair!
But on the bright side, there is my new shiny phone.....
And I wander round the office with my new shinyness taking photo's of Chris, the Bernard and Gerald;
thinking.... oooooooo. Shiny phone. 3.2 Mega pixel camera. I like my phone. Yes I am geek. I am geek girl. I wander back to my desk, sit down, and then look over at my bottle collection at my desk.......
Hmmm.... perhaps I should think about recycling these bottles. And then that thought quickly dissappears when I receive a text from Felicity.
She's had a tattoo done!
Yes, she's in pain. Yes it hurt. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow!
So, after more meetings and shuffling some papers about I leave work and go to meet Tim, up off Denmark Street at 'The Angel'; for a quick drink before we jump on the tube and train and head up to his house, where I spend the evening fixing his wireless network on his PC.
Yes my life is really that exciting. An evening working on the PC after I've spent the whole day sitting down in front of a PC is just what every girl really wants to do...............
Although I did get to see Tim's music collection, and for my efforts in sorting out his wireless

I love the 'Blockhead' song.
It's raw.
It's punk.
Now all I need is a record deck to play it on!
It's raw.
It's punk.
Now all I need is a record deck to play it on!
Well, I was suppose to be getting into work earlish but the delays on the Jubilee line put paid to that ;
At least Tim was able to kill time by reading the paper, whilst I spent the trying out the games on my new shiny phone. Remember, I am geek girl with new shiny phone.Well, I was suppose to be getting into work earlish but the delays on the Jubilee line put paid to that ;
I get into work to find Kieran off sick again, Dorian's working from home as he's got a delivery coming, so I'm all on my own....... and being pulled in 5 different directions with briefings, guidance, advice and more interviews, plus having to nip out at lunchtime to find a new shower hose/head!
It's a late one tonight at work with me not finishing till after 7:30. It's straight home, food and chill out watching telly and going through my e-mails etc and updating this blog!
Sleep now.
1 comment:
Can you explain what "thanks for the venom" means?
Felicity looks hot. That goatee suits Glen, too. Not that I think Glen is hot. Well, I'm not saying he's _not_ hot, but I can't say he's hot, because I'm a guy.
ok bye
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