And here we are readers.
Since my last blog on Monday - where I was in a particular ranting mood, but can you blame me? Of course, female readers out there will understand - but I doubt the male of the species will be able to pick up on how bloody how annoying, irratating, inconvienent, painful the whole 'time of the month' thing is.
So, after Monday in bed, curled up into a wee ball, I woke up on Tuesday hoping to feel better.
No such luck.
I felt like hell, I was still sore, nauseous, cranky - and was giving some serious thought to staying home again. But I remembered that there was a particular meeting that I should really attend that afternoon, so off I went into work.
Boy was I tierd, absolutely knackered. It's a bad 'time of the month' this month. I last through to the meeting but am absolutely dead on my feet by 5:30pm..... it's time to go home. It's so bad, I'm actually falling asleep on the bus on the way home - I need my bed!
I get home and collapse on my bed, I've no energy left. Felicity pop's out and grabs us pizza from La Barca, and we watch 'Waynes World II'. Well I say we, but that didn't really happen... after 20mins into the movie, Felicity's phone goes off and that's her for the next hour!
I watch the rest of the movie, and fall asleep.
Well, I did feel a bit better today - I'm slowly getting through this month's 'period'.
I wasn't actually in my office today as it was a change of scenary! Hoorah. But I was still in an office... Today, I was in the 'Information Edge'; office. I was working with Joseph & Mark fleshing the case study out and seeing what we could agree on!
Of course, there was time for lunch to which Joseph decided he looked rather dashing modeling the latest designer wear in table napkins......
And then of course some serious conversation........
After lunch, it was back to their offices to finish up on a couple of details. We finish off around 6pm and I head home, popping into my local chinese for Singapore Fried Chow Mein, update the blog, download e-mail and watch some telly before going to bed for an early night.
I know, such an exciting life.........
Tomorrow should be a wee bit different - it's Cricket at the Oval tomorrow with the boys!
Something rather mischievous
A message from Stephen Fry
The post Something rather mischievous appeared first on Official site of
Stephen Fry.
7 years ago
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