Last Sunday
I was still having a quiet weekend, pottered around the house until I get a text from Teresa asking if I wanted to go to the pictures and grab a bite to eat? Sounds like a good idea! Before, I head off, Felicity is spending the whole day jumping about to loud music and getting all excited about going to go see 'My Chemical Romance' down in Brixton.
And she spent hours getting ready.....
So off I go to meet Teresa down in Angel and we head to Pizza Express for a quick bite to eat before onwards to the pictures.
We saw 'Starter for Ten' with James McAvoy -Freshers' year at university is as much about skirt chasing as it is about the pursuit of knowledge in Starter For 10. Adapting his best-selling novel, David Nicholls tells a conventional rites-of-passage story but lifts it with a generous dose of 80s nostalgia, plenty of quick-fire wit and an uncompromising sense of Britishness.
And actually, it was rather good. It reminded me a lot of my own university days...... oh what fun!
I spend most of the day working with my team on preparing Kieran for his presentation to the Finance Committie tomorrow on our bid to extend the project next year to deliver more Data Quality improvements.
*Fingers crossed* I think we got a very good case put together, but it's all in Kieran's hands tomorrow!
It's a bit of a stressful day, and I hate the uncertainty! So I was feeling a bit stressed out.....After work I headed down to the Old Monk to catch up with Tim & Frederick. And here's the suprise... Tim noticed that I was feeling a bit down so he popped out to grab stuff from his office and came back with a bunch of flowers for me!
I'm initially shocked and stunned! Now Tim isn't the most romantic of creatures... in fact in the last six years I've known him he's only ever bought me flowers once before!
Today is the day. Kieran is off to the Finance Committie this morning to plead out case. It's a nervous time for Dorian, Joanne and I as we wait. What ever the outcome is we are all leaving work early and either celebrating or drowning our sorrows!
We wait. The meeting seems to have over ran.
Is this a good or bad sign??
Ah.. we have spotted Kieran and he wanders over. Well, we are about to find out! This is make or break time.
And you'll be pleased to know that it was a success! The committie accepted the our strategic pot bid. Woohoo! Looks like we are here for another year! We are all happy with the news and leave work early to celebrate.
I take the guys up to Ben Crouches Tavern and buy drinks. A lot of drinks.
I drunkenly stumble home and fall straight to sleep as soon as I get in.
I wake up in agony. Bloody period cramps. Jesus christ, I hate my 'time of the month' so bad.. It's a heavy one - i'm have to change pads twice.
Why the hell do I need to get them now!!
I take some painkillers and try to get back to sleep. Christ this is a bad one, I spend the next 4 hours trying to sleep inbetween the waves of cramps.
7:30am I'm exhausted. Hangovers I can cope with. Cramps no. I text Dorian and Joanne telling them that I'll be in later in the afternoon - I need more sleep. I take more pain killers and try to get more sleep.
Well, I did manage to catch some more sleep and headed into work for the afternoon. Still feeling sore, but at least the pain killers have dulled the cramps a little bit. Tim e-mails me and tells me to meet him at St James Park tube station at 6:30pm. We are heading home to Stokie and he's cooking me dinner!
I'm begining to wonder if maybe he really did get abducted by Aliens??
The meal was fantastic! We had Pork, onion & mushrooms in a white wine/cream sauce. Beetroot, Salad and tatties.
And the food was fantastic.......
It's a quiet day at work today. I get a lot of stuff done, and have an early night.
My hard-drive was returned to me! Hoorah! I have my music back! I have all my pictures back! All for the cost of £250. Ouch. but hey, I'll try to be more carefull with my hard drive this time! I quickly test it out before I head into work. Oooooooeeeeee! itunes is going to get a battering! And then I head into work.
Whilst I'm stuck at my desk crunching numbers trying to figure out what the hell is going on with my report, I get a text from Euan. He's in London and did i want to meet up with him later on. Hell yes! We arrange to meet in the Cruddy at 4:30pm. I also arrange to meet up with Kate & Tim down in the cruddy as well.
I eventually leave the office and it's absolutly pouring of rain, getting drenched as I make my way to the pub. Euan is already there and nursing a pint. Kate turns up, and OH MY GOD - she is getting big! The bump is definately growing... and she now has bumpettes as well! This barin is going to be big!
After introductions, the three of us settle down and start the banter when Tim arrives.......
In a new shirt.
A paisley shirt.
A blue paisley shirt.
Flowers, cooked dinner and a new blue paisley shirt all in one week.
I have decided that he really has been abducted by aliens.
We do a couple of drinks and Euan, Tim and I head off to Kings cross to collect Euan's friend Alex who was travelling down from Edinburgh, then off to Angel for drinks and food. Indian was the choice so I take them to the Guffa,
Euan & Alex
The food was excellent, and we enjoyed the wine as well. In fact, Euan enjoyed the wine so much he was a bit over zealous when pouring the wine and managed to break the wine glass!
After the meal we head off to 'Clockwork', as Tim was on the guest list for this band showcase. There were quite a few bands playing, punk, indie, alternative - I even liked a few of them, but I definatly think that Tim and I will have to agree to differ on our tastes!
It was a heavy night. A very heavy night. We get home late, and go straight to sleep.
Boy my head hurts. I feel rough. I remembered that I'd arranged to meet Euan & Alex in Soho for brunch at 2pm - but feeling so rough, I text to cancel. But, Euan won't take no for an answer. He phones up and 'shames' me into meeting them. So, off to Soho I go - but slowly. Very slowly.
I meet up with them in Cafe Boheme and we have a fantastic lunch. I opted for sausage to start, and organic salmon for mains, washed down with a diet coke & sparkling mineral water. Euan was on the wine, and tempted me to join him.... it's 3:30pm.
After our meal, we nip into a pub to catch the end of the Scotland Rugby game! Go Scotland!! Fantastic result! Before I take them on a tour of Soho's 'seedier' side. Well, they did want to see the Sex Shops! ;-)
Oh it was pervtastic. But after a while, there's only so much porn you can take in. So, head down to Leicester Sq to find a cinema that was showing 'Borat'. Oh my god. I haven't laughed so much in a cinema for ages!! This film is just pure genious!! You have to go and see it. I'm still laughing a day later.
Go check it out!
After the pictures, we head up to the SomBar on Denmark street for some wine and a nice place to just sit, chill and chew the fat!
Anna & her date 'Michael', also join us down in the Som Bar for a few drinks....
and the banter flows, along with the wine....
and we decide that it is indeed munchy, munchy time, and so search for food. Of course, you never have to wander far in London, and we were in a Thai mood. So Nusa Dua it was!
aaaahhhhh.... Anna & Michael holding hands....
Enough of that PDA action!
After the meal, we go to a late bar in the spanish part of Oxford Street, but it was absolutly hoachin and we didn't really stay that long. A few drinks and we all head our seperate ways home.
Of course it's Saturday night, there's loads of drunken eejits about whilst I wait for my bus. I get some drunken eejit who think it's funny to through food about. Well, he thought it was funny until it hit me. I went over to him and gave him a bloody good thump that sent him reeling to the ground. Once he came too, him and his mate legged it and luckily for me, my bus had also arrived!
Home, bed, sleep.
Ouch. Head hurts, hand hurts from whacking that eejit. I'm tierd and hungover. Nothing is going to get done today.
I spend the day in bed.
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