Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Fabulous Darling, Fabulous!

Oh yes, it's fabulous!

Had a cracking time over these last couple of days, of course there's been drinkies involved. Of course there is, it's Christmas afterall and when your out with my friends it would just be rude not to.

I did manage to get a hold of Susan on Sunday night, grabbed a bottle of wine, hopped into a cab and tried not to fall on my arse when I got out of the cab and waked the few metres to her house. Yes, we still have sheet ice and frozen snow up north, and it's bloody cold. It's so cold that your nipples would snap off if exposed to the cold night air.

But anyway....... I digress again.

And back in the room!

So, I was at Susan & Scott's Sunday evening where wine was drunk, conversation was had and there was some serious laughter at what was on the TV

The Most Annoying People - 2009

It was seriously cracking us up, and we all agreed with who was no. 1 for the year

Katie Price/Jordan

There's seriously no argument there. She is rather annoying.

During the evening there was also some experimentation with the hat that Scott had been given for Christmas

It danced when you put it on your head....

Collapsing in laughter....

Before normal service is resumed.

It's cold....

It's bloody cold.

I hop online to SL as I'm required for a staff meeting (Yes, even in my second life I have to work), which takes up a fair chunk of the afternoon, even when Farrah and Graham turned up to drop wee Cameron off before they went up to the Hospital for a scan.

Cameron who isn't quite 2 yet, has discovered the art of Temper Tantrums. And boy, does he have a healthy set of lungs on him. He was given a coke to drink, but thought it more fun to suck up the coke with the straw and spray it all over the table.... Dad wasn't impressed, took the straw away and mopped the coke up and Cameron sat in the middle of the living room floor trying to hit the High C for a steady 10 minutes.

My head hurt.

Thats an advertisement for not having children.

Thankfully the wee lad calms down, and Dad takes him upstairs to watch Bob the Builder and I finally get some peace and quiet.

But as usual in the Baskerville household there's never any peace for long.

Farrah and Graham arrive back and Farrah's in a flood of tears.

Oh. Oh.

What's up?

She'd went up to the hospital for a scan..... and now we have the results of the scan



My wee sister is having Twins.

Eventually she calms down, the shock settles in and she's already pointing the finger at Graham informing him that he'll be phoning the Doctor's first thing tomorrow and arranging for a vasectomy.


The twins are due end July. Chaos beckons.

And on that happy note, the Mackenzie's depart and we have our tea. Some sensible sausage and mash as the news settles in that William and I are going to be Aunty and Uncle to twins, and Mum and Dad will be proud grandparents to twins.

I can forsee 2 more sets of healthy lungs being screamed at top volume. Sometimes, living 600miles down south does have it's advantages.

After tea is finished, it's time to wrap up warm cause it's snowing outside and I have to venture out down to Tickety Boos to meet up with Cari.

it's sooooooooo cold. It hasn't managed to get above freezing ever since I arrived back in Dundee on the 23rd. Fresh snow on top of compacted ice and it's a slipping and a sliding I go, eventually making it down to the pub without managing to fall on my ass to meet up with Cari.

Did you know that in Dundee they give you drinks that match the colour of your hair? Yup they do.

Tis time for the pub crawl to commence;
- Tickety Boos - bottle of Becks
- The Town House - A cosmo, which was fairly shite
- The HorseShoe Bar -  another bottle of Becks, and Cari nips off to the toliet and discovers that some arsehole has litterarly shit all over the toilet.
- The Counting house - a pint of Carlsberg, and the discovery that JD Weatherspoon's has a sale one? WTF? A Sale?

The pub opens at 9am for a sale?! ....

- The Balcony Bar - where it's another bottle of Becks, but low and behold, through the snow Murray and Colin turn up

We have another there and think about going to the Doghouse next, which thankfully is only less than a minute from where we are, but through the snow..... and we find out that much to our disappointment it's closed. So it's quickly back to the Balcony Bar for another to warm ourselves back up, but by now the munchies are kicking in and we decide to go to a late night bar as it's last orders.

Even in a Kebab shop in Dundee after midnight we can still be fabulous.

Completely fabulous - with our cheesy chips

And then it's onwards to Brooks Bar for another Vodka, and a couple of shots before Cari's man picks us up outside Colin's house to take us back to our respective homes in the snow

Cause it's been snowing heavily...

I'm up fairly early...  cause the thunder, lightening and rain of sheet ice battering off of the window, and the fact that the parents are up clattering around the house makes it rather difficult to sleep.

Time to catch up on the Day of the Triffids before I head into town with the wee brother for lunch

I'm getting hungry.....

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